Welcoming Ramadan in an Uncertain Global Order…..[Prophet Dawood said:]And certainly many partners wrong each other, except those who believe and do good — but how few are they!….Quran…5d ago5d ago
An Overview of Critical TheoryDo not fear the opposing wind, O falcon; It blows only to lift you higher — Sayyed Sadiq Hussain Shah, 19th century Urdu Poet and thinkerFeb 16Feb 16
Bounded Rationality and Challenges of LiberalismHuman behavior is intendedly rational, but only boundedly so! — Herbert SimonFeb 13Feb 13
Max Weber’s Theory of Power, Authority, and LegitimacyIf Marx is regarded as the pioneer in understanding Materialism, Weber will be the pioneer in understanding power, authority, and its…Jan 11Jan 11
MINE: Revisiting the FundamentalsA strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak one, although both are dear to Him. Strive for that which will benefit…Dec 31, 2024Dec 31, 2024
Understanding Systems AnalysisReductionism simplifies the world into parts, losing sight of their interconnections, while systems analysis embraces complexity, revealing…Dec 22, 2024Dec 22, 2024
Vicious and Virtual Circles: Shaping a Nation’s DestinyAs for gains granted by Allah to His Messenger.. they are for .. orphans, the poor, and ˹needy˺ travellers so that wealth may not merely…Dec 15, 2024Dec 15, 2024
Game Theory and its ApplicationsGame theory provides valuable insights into human behavior and can help us design institutions that promote cooperation and prevent…Dec 7, 2024Dec 7, 2024
Marx’s Historical Materialism: Understanding the Economic Forces Behind Social ChangePhilosophers have thus far only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it — Karl MarxNov 24, 2024Nov 24, 2024
The Idea of Progress: A Quarrel in the Court of Louis XIVQuarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns (Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes)Nov 21, 20241Nov 21, 20241